Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education. Special Issue: Re-Imagining the Multiple Missions of the Community College, co-edited with Michelle Ronda. Volume 126, Issue 6-7, June 2024 pp. 3-251
Review of “Care and Capitalism,” by Kathleen Lynch in Contemporary Sociology, 52(5), 458-459.
“The Unanticipated Challenges and Rewards of Carework: Remote Teaching & Student Precarity During COVID-19”, (co-author with Paoyi Huang) to Transcending Crisis: Emotions, Carework, and Human Flourishing (eds. Marci Cottingham, Rebecca Erickson, and Matthew Lee) Routledge Press, June 2023.
Co-editor (along with David Levinson), online series on community colleges, Teachers College Record Commentary Series. (January-March 2022)
“Cultivating Engagement and Deepening Understanding While Leaving the Textbook Behind”, in Learning from Each Other: Refining the Practice of Teaching in Higher Education
(Jeffrey Chin and Michele Kozimer-King, eds.), University of California Press. pp. 258-274. (2018)
“Caring”. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory
(Bryan S. Turner, Chang Kyung-Sup, Cynthia F. Epstein, Peter Kivisto, William Outhwaite, and J. Michael Ryan editors), Wiley Blackwell. (November 2018)
“Creating Community at the Graduate Center”, in Women on the Role of Public Higher Education: Personal Reflections from CUNY’s Graduate Center
(Rose Kim and Deborah Gambs, eds). Palgrave Macmillan. (2015)
“Fostering Student Engagement: Creating a Culture Online”, Constructivists Online: Reimagining Progressive Practice
Bank Street Occasional Paper Series 34 (Helen Freidus, Mollie Welsh Kruger, Steven Goss, editors) (2015)