Conference Presentations
Professional presentations
March 2022: “Under the Pandemic Looking-Glass: Carework in Remote Teaching & Community College Student Precarity During Covid-19” (with co-author, Paoyi Huang). Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society
August 2020: “Metrics for Community College Student Success: Austerity, Accountability and the New Edu- philanthropists,” Annual Meeting, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Virtual Paper accepted
August 9, 2019: “Illuminating the Social” in Addressing Student Precarity and Success”. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York City
August 10, 2019: “Taking Students to the Field: Experiential Learning and Cultivating Future Sociologists”, with Michelle Ronda. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York City
September 27, 2018: “Responding to Student Precarity and Persistence with an Ethic of Care”, Care Ethics Research Consortium (CERC) Conference, Portland State University
August 11, 2018: “Training Young Researchers in Public Sociology: Feeling Race and Class in the Field”, co-author with Michelle Ronda. Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA
February 24, 2018: “Class, Culture and the Student Sensibility: Navigating the Terrain of Higher Education” Annual Meeting, Eastern Sociological Society, Baltimore, Maryland
August 12, 2017: “The Student Sensibility: What Lies Beneath the Retention/Persistence Puzzle”, Annual Meeting, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Montreal Canada
June 1, 2017: “Bounded Empathy and an Ethic of Care in the Age of Trump”, Global Carework Summit, UMass, Lowell.
Recent invitations
April 16, 2021: “The Capstone at the Community College: Preparing for the Baccalaureate and Giving Meaning to Becoming Researchers”, AKD Workshop on Teaching the Capstone Course
November 3, 2020: Invited Speaker, “Equity in Education”, Stand Up and Speak Out Social Justice Series, BMCC library and CETLS Campus Culture
January 7, 2020: Panelist, “Foundations for a CUNY Community College Research Institute”, Faculty Development Workshop, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Sponsored by the CUNY Community College Research Development Grant
October 2, 2018: Presentation of BPCA Parks User Count and Study. Community Board 1, Battery Park City, New York: New York
June 5, 2018: Panelist, “Experiential Learning at BMCC”, BMCC Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
December 6, 2017: “Fostering Student Engagement: Creating a Culture Online”, BMCC Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
January 10, 2017: Panelist, “Pedagogy, Research and the Hidden Lives of Students", Faculty Development Workshop, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Sponsored by the CUNY Community College Research Development Grant
BMCC students presenting their experiences as part of the Battery Park City User Survey team at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA 2018
BMCC students: Degdra Perez, Michael McConnell, Francesco Bongiovanni, Professor Michelle Ronda, Nicole Primus, Professor Robin Isserles
Robin with two Capstone students, Lissette Maliza and Degdra Perez, presenting their research at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia, 2017. Both Lissette (City College) and Degdra (Hunter College) have earned their BA in Sociology and are currently applying to graduate programs.